Website for IPC

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IPC Programs

IPC Guidelines

Education and training

Hand hygiene: 

Find more resources on hand hygiene for professionals here 

National campaign for the prevention of urinary tract infections in the healthcare sector:

Target audience: healthcare providers (such as nurses, doctors, etc.) working in hospitals, nursing homes, psychiatric care centers, home care, as well as nurses and doctors in training.

There are two approaches:

Surveillance of healthcare-associated infections (HAI’s)

By Sciensano

ECDC-PPS - Point prevalence survey of healthcare-associated infections and antimicrobial use in acute care hospitals

Multimodal strategies


Monitoring / Audit & feedback

By Sciensano :

(Inter)national organizations :

  • ECDC : European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control
  • WHO: World Health Organization
  • CDC: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (US)
  • BICS : Belgian infection control society
  • ABIHH : Association Belge des infirmiers en hygiène hospitalière 
  • WIN : Wergroep Infectiebeheersing NVKVV 
  • CORHA: Conseil de réponse aux épidémies (Council for Outbreak Response)
  • OST: Equipes de soutien aux épidémies (Outbreak Support Teams)
  • HOST: Hospital Outbreak Support Teams
  • SRI: Samenwerkingsverband Richtlijnen Infectiepreventie (NL)