Website for IPC
What's new?
- E-zine Be Care (FR/NL)
- Podcast: Infection Control Matters (EN)
- IPC Programs
- IPC Guidelines
- Education and training
- Surveillance of healthcare-associated infections (HAI’s)
- Multimodal strategies
- Monitoring / Audit & feedback
- (Inter)national organizations
IPC Programs
- Royal decree (NL / FR)
- Federal platform - Mission statement and internal rules (NL/FR)
- Program IPC Evaluation - Presentation on 17 November 2023
IPC Guidelines
- Supreme Health Council (NL/FR)
Education and training
Hand hygiene:
- It's essential to use gloves rationally (NL/FR) - (E-learning Platform NIHDI/FPS Health)
- Observers Training - Update 2024 : Training material (NL/FR) & User guide (NL/FR)
Find more resources on hand hygiene for professionals here
National campaign for the prevention of urinary tract infections in the healthcare sector:
Target audience: healthcare providers (such as nurses, doctors, etc.) working in hospitals, nursing homes, psychiatric care centers, home care, as well as nurses and doctors in training.
There are two approaches:
- E-learning "Management and Prevention of Urinary Tract Infections" (1h) (NL/FR) (E-learning Platform NIHDI/FPS Health)
- Knowledge test "Prevention of Urinary Tract Infections" (30 minutes). For more information, see NOSO-info (NL/FR) and BeCare magazine (NL/FR)
Surveillance of healthcare-associated infections (HAI’s)
By Sciensano:
- NSIH-SSI - National surveillance of surgical site infections
- NSIH-AMR - National surveillance of antimicrobial resistance
- NSIH-ICU - National surveillance of nosocomial infections in intensive care
- NSIH-CDIF - National Surveillance of Clostridioides difficile infections in Belgian hospitals
- NSIH-SEP - National surveillance of bloodstream infections in Belgian hospitals
ECDC-PPS - Point prevalence survey of healthcare-associated infections and antimicrobial use in acute care hospitals
Multimodal strategies
Hand hygiene : Campaign 2023-2024 (NL/FR)
Presentations of multimodal strategies for HOST projects (17/11/2023)
- SMM Handhygiëne/Hygiène des mains - HOST HUMANI - Axelle Dumazy (FR)
- Using a MMS to improve CAUTI process - HOST GENT - Arne Vilain (NL)
- MMS - Catheter Associated Urinary Tract Infection - HOST KEMPEN - Dana Van Kerkhoven (NL)
- Implementation of a CLABSI prevention strategy based on the WHO multimodal approach - HOST HUB CHIREC - Philippe Tinsy (EN)
Monitoring / Audit & feedback
By Sciensano :
(Inter)national organizations :
- ECDC : European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control
- WHO: World Health Organization
- CDC: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (US)
- BICS : Belgian infection control society
- ABIHH : Association Belge des infirmiers en hygiène hospitalière
- WIN : Wergroep Infectiebeheersing NVKVV
- CORHA: Conseil de réponse aux épidémies (Council for Outbreak Response)
- OST: Equipes de soutien aux épidémies (Outbreak Support Teams)
- HOST: Hospital Outbreak Support Teams
- SRI: Samenwerkingsverband Richtlijnen Infectiepreventie (NL)