
The FPS Health, Food Chain Safety and Environment undertakes to make this website accessible, in accordance with the law of July 19, 2018 on accessibility of the websites and mobile applications of public authorities.

This accessibility statement applies to the website

Level of compliance

In the absence of an audit, this website is not compliant.

Accessibility statement preparation

Given the recent launch of the site, an external audit of accessibility will be conducted very soon. This audit will consist of an analysis (simplified or in-depth).

Inaccessible content

The audit (simplified or in-depth) will determine if there is content that is not accessible.

Full compliance can only be guaranteed with an in-depth audit.

Contact information

If you have questions or considerations about the accessibility of our site, you can contact us using our contact form.

If you disagree with the answer, you can contact the Federal Ombudsman:

Rue de Louvain 48 Box 6

1000 Brussels
Website des Föderalen Ombudsmannes

Improvement plan

An external audit of accessibility will be conducted very soon. This audit will consist of a simplified analysis.

This statement was prepared on 06/02/24.

Extra Information

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